Agreement between user and Powertech
The user has access to the website of Powertech based on the general conditions established in the present document. The usage of this site implies the approbation of these conditions, which are subject to change without warning.
Links to Third-Parties
The website of Powertech can present links going to sites of other companies and organisms. These sites are not controlled by Powertech, therefore, Powertech offers no guarantees in regards to them. These links are simply provided to facilitate access. You reserve the right to use them.
Illegal or Forbidden Usage
It is implied that the user will not use Powertech website in any illegal ways that would breach the current user conditions presented in this present document. The website may not be used with the purposes of damaging, deactivating, or hide the navigation from other users. The user cannot attempt to access the informative system of Powertech, including a host server of Powertech’s website, unless authorized to do so. This includes any hacking, password searching, and any other fraudulent practices. They must not obtain or try to get material or information that Powertech wishes to keep away from their private site.